Infrastructure grows for self-sufficient hydrogen for export and create home fuel stock
June 29th, 2020AUSTRALIA’S first public hydrogen fuel station is under construction and expected to be completed next month. It will be the forerunner to at least four other stations to be opened by the end of the year.
The Australian Hydrogen Council reports that a station in Canberra suburb of Fyshwick will open next month, followed by one at the University of Brisbane, one at Adelaide’s Tonsley Park and one at the Toyota Australia facility in Melbourne’s Altona; all by the end of the year.
Western Australia has a plant already producing in the southern suburbs of Jandakot by gas company ATCO and will soon move to public sale.
There is also a $300 million project by Infinite Green Energy (formerly Infinite Blue Energy) at its Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project to be built this year in Dongara, 320km north of Perth. The green hydrogen plant, powered by wind and solar, is expected to start supplying in 2025 and will produce 23 tonnes of hydrogen a day.
BP Australia and GHD Advisory are working on a feasibility study to make hydrogen in the WA seaside town of Geraldton.
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